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鈴木亜矢子 ソプラノ

profile photo: Naoya Yamaguchi

鈴木亜矢子(ソプラノ)Ayako SUZUKI


また、留学助成金を得てザルツブルクのモーツァルテウム音楽院へ短期留学、アンナ・トモワ・シントウ氏に指導を受けディプロマ取得。日本演奏家コンクール一般の部第二位およびハンナ賞。東京国際声楽コンクール歌曲部門、フランス音楽コンクール、パン・パシフィック現代音楽コンクール入選。東京国際芸術協会新人演奏会に出演。日本歌曲による博士リサイタル2回、博士学位審査演奏会「現代の日本歌曲 山田耕筰の築いた礎」を開催。フランス声楽曲研究団体Mouvement perpétuel特別演奏会に出演。音楽劇「多奏の星」に倉田しほ役で出演、朗読・歌唱・演技を担当。絵本「星の音楽」メインテーマの英語版とフランス語版を録音。遠山基金奨学生として第39回草津夏期国際音楽アカデミーを受講、ジェンマ・ベルタニョッリ氏に指導を受け声楽とフルートクラスのスチューデントコンサート、秋のスチューデントコンサートに出演。

2021年にデビューリサイタルを開催、『音楽の友』誌上で取り上げられるなど好評を得た。同時にカメラータ・トウキョウより発売されたデビューCD「鈴木亜矢子ソプラノ・リサイタル 2021世紀、英国と日本の声楽曲」が『レコード芸術』誌上で特選盤に選出される。



Ayako Suzuki | soprano


Born in Mexico City. Spent the childhood in US. Graduated from the Vocal Music department of Tokyo College of Music. Completed the master's degree and doctoral degree at the college. Obtained DMA for “Japanese songs by Kosçak Yamada, Sadao Bekku and Ikuma Dan: An analytic study based on the accent theory” as the first students to graduate from the doctoral course. Received scholarship whilst at college.

With grant subsidy for studying abroad, studied for a short period of time at Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, and studied under Ms. Anna Tomowa-Sintow, and obtained diploma. Second prize in the general category and HANNA prize at Japan Player’s Competition. Won awards at Tokyo International Vocal Music Competition, Concours de la musique française, and Pan Pacific Contemporary Music Competition. Performed at TIAA Freshman Concert. Held doctor's recitals of Japanese songs twice, and DMA assessment concert 'Modern Japanese songs, the foundation built by Kosçak Yamada'. Performed at special concert by French vocal music research institution Mouvement perpétuel. Appeared as Shiho Kurata in musical drama “Tasou no Hoshi”, and was in charge of reading aloud, singing and performance. Recorded the theme song for the picture book “Stella’s Music” in English and French. Attended lectures as scholarship student of Toyama Fund at 39th Kusatsu International Summer Music Academy, studied under Ms Gemma Bertagnolli and performed at students concert by vocal music and flute classes.


Studied vocal music under messrs Yoshiaki Shinozaki, Noriko Ichikawa, Yuko Kamahora, Shigehiro Sano, Takanori Akiyama, Mari Midorikawa, Korrepetitor under Etsuko Taniike, Thesis composition under Noriko Sakazaki and Midori Takeishi. Currently assistant professor at Tokyo College of Music.





Photographs / 画像

profile photo: Naoya Yamaguchi